Dr. Theodore Scott Hausler, DO, is a skilled physician who specializes in Family Medicine. Dr. Hausler provides outstanding health care to patients in Latham, New York, at the Center for Family Practice LLC.
Dr. Ted, as he commonly goes by, has specialized training and expertise in Pediatrics, Family Medicine, International and Sports Medicine. He is a certified provider with the New York State Medical Marijuana program and is licensed to prescribe Medical Marijuana to patients with qualifying conditions.
A New York native, Dr. Hausler graduated from Niskayuna High School, in Niskayuna, New York. He earned his undergraduate degree from the New York Institute of Technology in Old Westbury, New York. He went on to earn his Medical Degree from the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine in Lewisburg, West Virginia, and completed his residency in Family Practice at Albany Medical Center in Albany, New York.
Dr. Ted has traveled extensively, learning medical Spanish during his travels, and volunteering in many parts of Africa (Sierra Leone, Uganda, South Africa, Mozambique), Asia (Israel) and South America (Ecuador, Costa Rica).
While in residency, Dr. Ted went on a medical trip to Uganda where he worked with a local practitioner, Henry. Dr. Ted and Henry stayed in touch and when Henry asked for help starting his own clinic, Ted was more than willing. Together, they teamed up with a friend Vito Capuano to found Taasa Health. Taasa Health runs a medical clinic in rural Uganda. Taasa Health Inc. is dedicated to improving the quality of life in Africa by supporting sustainable healthcare, accessible education, female empowerment, and economic development. Feel free to visit Taasa's website for more information: TaasaHealth.org
Dr. Ted is the Team Physician for The Albany Firewolves Lacrosse Team. Dr. Ted enjoys playing sports, traveling, and hiking in the wilderness. Dr. Ted and his wife Jess, who also works at The Center for Family Practice, enjoy driving into work together with their dog, Layla. He also loves spending time with his daughter Aviva.